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SuperVisor Application



Thank you for taking your time and applying for the Supervisor role!

There are certain requirements that you have not yet met:
* Your total play time on the server is 43 hours not 120 hours (please be more attentive and pay attention to your statistics);
* You have been on the community for only a month, as opposed to the required length of 6 months;
* You did not mention any staff member that actually recommended you for this position prior to applying to the role;
* You have not posted any reports, and I don't recall receiving any from you privately.

Some of the answers you provided were also quite underwhelming and many of them seemed unnecessarily rushed. For example, you didn't really explain the purpose of the 'wargods' application other than mentioning its core function.

So consider the points mention above, think more succinly about your application and then you may consider re-applying for the position.

- Declined.
-- Thread closed.

Messages In This Thread
SuperVisor Application - by LmD|Mynskas - 04-09-2022, 12:40 PM
RE: SuperVisor Application - by Frost - 05-09-2022, 09:17 PM

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