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  Report Camper - Ibrodirka12
Posted by: Pohuva - 06-12-2024, 12:14 AM - Replies (1)

1. Rule-breaker's username: Ibrodirka12
2. Which server (zombie swarm or riot): swarm
3. Rule-breaker's steamid: STEAM_1:0:750873843
4. Explain the situation: camping over and over again 3-4 times in less than 1 minute 
5. Proof (demo or screenshot): Video : https://www.mediafire.com/file/peicdjxp8...7.mp4/file
6. Timestamp (at which time in the demo can we see the rule being broken): it's short videoze

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Heart Balance Vip's
Posted by: Zmogus - 01-12-2024, 07:05 PM - Replies (6)

Players on Steam CS 1.6 Zombie servers should receive free VIP status as a way to foster community growth and reward loyalty. Many players invest hours into enhancing the gaming experience by actively participating, building friendships, and providing feedback to improve server quality. Offering free VIP access encourages continued engagement and attracts new players by creating a more dynamic and inclusive atmosphere. VIP perks, such as access to exclusive items or abilities, can also make gameplay more enjoyable and rewarding, motivating players to stay loyal to the server and contribute positively to its popularity. Such a gesture not only builds goodwill but also helps server owners retain a thriving and active player base, thanks for reading.
Signs out - Zmogusze

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  * Report LaCoste *
Posted by: DJ BOBY - 01-12-2024, 12:12 PM - Replies (1)

1. Admin's name: Lacoste
2. Explain the situation: Laming / Toxicity / Disrespectful staff.
3. Admin's SteamID: - He left before I could copy it. 
4. Proof (demo or screenshot): https://www.mediafire.com/folder/xerj6x6jb3vle/lacsta
5. Timestamp (at which time in the demo can we see the admin abusing): around 14:15:00  / 14:25:00

As you guys see, he transfers the bot to the tank, so I can't kill it. (I know it's not a rule but it's a disrespectful decision from him.)
Also, there are some photos of how he's laming/insulting about my name, and some other photos.ze

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Posted by: 0_o - 22-11-2024, 04:52 PM - Replies (2)

1. Rule-breaker's username : DJ BOBY
2. Which server (zombie swarm or riot): sawrm
3. Rule-breaker's steamidBig GrinJ  BOBY" 3459 STEAM_0:0:639579339  1  2:03:02  55    0
4. Explain the situation:i was playing normal , then at 6:30 to the end of the demo , i didn`t insult him but he insulted my sister Sad
do something for him pls
5. Proof (demo or screenshot):https://www.mediafire.com/file/nxk0j42c50m57yw/[CSGAMERS]_Umbrella_Swarm.dem/file
6. Timestamp (at which time in the demo can we see the rule being broken): from 6:30 to the end of the demoze

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  camp and rc
Posted by: 0_o - 22-11-2024, 11:45 AM - Replies (1)

1. Rule-breaker's username:jackquline fernandez
2. Which server (zombie swarm or riot): sawrm
3. Rule-breaker's steamid:jackquline fernandez" 3409 STEAM_1:0:970024327  0 04:48  161  12
4. Explain the situation: frist i joind a server , then i was human , i told him and one his name is solever attack
jackquline fernandez attacked 1 time in the round! , this camp number 1 , then he did rc without a reason. pls do something for him
5. Proof (demo or screenshot): https://www.mediafire.com/file/m5nmnuxz3...c.dem/file
6. Timestamp (at which time in the demo can we see the rule being broken):from 1:00 to 3:00 and (3:30 to 3:35 he did rc)ze

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  DJ BOBY's Introduction Thread.
Posted by: DJ BOBY - 20-11-2024, 08:06 PM - No Replies

Real Life:

-You real name: Florin
-Your age (not obligatory):14 (15 in february)
-What you do exactly in life (work, study...) study
-Where in the world you live Romania
-How do you spend your free time Playing cs 1.6 or talking with friends
-What's the place that you always finds your self comfortable in: Watching a movie alone at night or anime. Or living in the nature
-Do you like school? (Nvm, I already know the answer): hell nah
-What're your favorites songs/games: Cs 1.6, Minecraft, Roblox, Prince of Persia.
-What're your favorite meals: Paste Carbonara
-What's the most country that you want to visit and why (it better be a reason): Japonia, I just love the language, foods, and the country. I'm also a big fan of anime.
-Your social information (Facebook/Skype/Twitter/Youtube/Discord/Instagram...): YT: djbobyyt . Discord: .ayanokojikyotaka


-What do you think about our server: good server. Needs be more moderated because most of admins barely joins or just play for perksBig Grin
-How long you've been playing cs 1.6 from around 4-5 years old. 2015-2016.
-What's your favorite cs 1.6 mod (zombie plague/cso/umbrella swarm/old school...): Zombie Swarm, zombie plague 6.3, furien with powers/xp/level, surf, deathrun.
-What is most thing you like in server: Guns, and the system it's made.
-What is your best weapon Aug Burner.
-What new updates you wanna see in the future: New guns, adding balrog gloves, changing the old skins to cooler, prob new zombies(if possible)ze

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  Skull 1 reload bug
Posted by: ToxiC - 20-11-2024, 07:16 PM - No Replies

Basically it shoots 13 rounds and could 1 mag a tank, to do it you have to 1. shoot a bullet so you are on 6 bullets 2. reload 3. while reloading hold rmb 4. you shoot the bullets and re-click rmb and it will reload instantly as shown in the video:

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Posted by: 0_o - 19-11-2024, 07:41 PM - Replies (1)

1. Admin's name:fieras
2. Explain the situation: frist i was playing normal then i was human i was killing RB respact
and he wasn`t attack for more than 3 min at 37:00 to 39:30 in the demo so i told him attack and don`t camp , this is camp number 1!!
then i was human again he was witch at 47:00 to 48 in demo i saw him he was like in human`s respawn i leted him
and he didn`t move from human respawn so i go to kill him and he killed me , this camp number 2!! he camped alot pls do anything
3. Admin's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:196225260
4. Proof (demo or screenshot):https://www.mediafire.com/file/d3vwzlgcu26f3kt/camp.dem/file
5. Timestamp (at which time in the demo can we see the admin abusing): 37:00 TO 39:30 AND 47:00 TO 48:00ze

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  Report Bro its Vynx
Posted by: DJ BOBY - 18-11-2024, 10:16 PM - Replies (1)

1. Rule-breaker's username: Bro its Vynx
2. Which server (zombie swarm or riot): swarm
3. Rule-breaker's steamid:-
4. Explain the situation: He bhopped
5. Proof (demo or screenshot):https://www.mediafire.com/file/mxtaavnavbneqy4/%255BCSGAMERS%255D_Umbrella_Swarm.dem/file
6. Timestamp (at which time in the demo can we see the rule being broken): 14:00:00 (I spawn as ct)ze

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  insulting for no reason
Posted by: dell - 18-11-2024, 05:32 PM - Replies (1)

1. Rule-breaker's username: THEDOWNEY
2. Which server (zombie swarm or riot): swarm
3. Rule-breaker's steamid:
# 4 "TheDowney" 1250 STEAM_1:0:1600289097  1 06:42  43 

4. Explain the situation: insulting 
5. Proof (demo or screenshot): https://www.mediafire.com/file/rxgrv5n81...).png/file
6. Timestamp (at which time in the demo can we see the rule being broken):ze

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