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S.admin abuse


1. Admin name: Shadow Dragon
2. Which Server: Swarm
3. What the Admin did: Rc and share acc to others

4. Admin's SteamID: ShadowDragon" 8207 STEAM_1:0:199789498  18 07:09  163    0
5. Proof (demo or screenshot):https://www.sendspace.com/file/e0yx30

[url=https://www.sendspace.com/file/e0yx30][/url]6. At what time in the demo can we see the abuse: rc at end and acc share its at begining of demo 


Thank you for the report!

The evidence is most certainly insufficient. We can't come to a solid conclusion with empty words, we require sophisticated evidence that this Admin is actually sharing his account with somebody else.
As for reconnecting, the Admin will be temporarily banned from the server.

- Approved (for the reconnecting part), dismissed for the account sharing.
-- Thread closed.

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