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S.admin abuse


1. Admin name: Dell
2. Which Server: Swarm
3. What the Admin did:free Gag
4. Admin's SteamID: i will found
5. Proof (demo or screenshot):https://www.sendspace.com/file/uqdgs5
6. At what time in the demo can we see the abuse: At end of demo


Thank you for your report!

It seems that you misinterpreted me in the previous thread. Yes, I claimed that telling somebody to 'shut up' isn't an insult (which it really isn't), but that doesn't mean you can just tell people left, right, and centre to shut up for no apparent reason. I do believe that telling somebody to shut up twice isn't worthy for a gag, but please don't be rude to people. Anyway, I already had the conversation with Dell and told him that 'shut up' isn't an insult, which is the reason why he gagged you initially.

- Approved.
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