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Farm bots for rank


1. Rule-breaker's username:1-Yacef_Noob 2-Up

2. Which server (zombie swarm or riot): Swarm

3. Rule-breaker's steamid:# 4 "YaceF_NooB" 691 STEAM_2:0:89831144  18 18:13  93    0
# 5    "UP" 694 STEAM_1:1:1397570350  6 09:04  117

4. Explain the situation:They were farming bots in assault

5. Proof (demo or screenshot):https://www.upload.ee/files/15659138/_CSGAMERS__Umbrella_Swarm.dem.html

6. Timestamp (at which time in the demo can we see the rule being broken): End demo-(1-10)second



The ranks will be reset in a few days, so I don't really think it's too much of a big deal. Yacef also still had admin at the time of the demo.
As for UP, he's not even in the TOP15.

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