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1. Rule-breaker's username:RyLES

2. Which server (zombie swarm or riot): Swarm

3. Rule-breaker's steamid:# 2  "ryLes" 1353 STEAM_0:0:522695620  69 23:07  63    0

4. Explain the situation: He Camped 2 minute

5. Proof (demo or screenshot):https://www.mediafire.com/file/4qephre5s0x45nr/ryles.dem/file

6. Timestamp (at which time in the demo can we see the rule being broken): Start deno from 1:30 to 3:50



There's not enough evidence of ryles camping. He didn't die for a good portion of the first round, but that doesn't necessarily mean he was camping. You should call players out for camping next time and see what's their response.
And when you spectated him, he was just flanking the enemy and was eventually actually attacking them.

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