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(This post was last modified: 28-08-2023, 10:34 PM by YaceF_NooB.)

Player Name : YaceF_NooB
Witch Server: ZM swarm
I have been banned due to admin abuse.I have banned a suspicious player who killed me when i was a bommer zombie at ct spawn when i found the player named: KRASAVCIKs. Where I used the bommer feature on him and he became green (he can't see) while my health was high and he didn't see (KRASAVCIKs) he hit me with his weapon, I counted blows, all of them in the head, in addition to that he doesn't see or miss any hits....using mp5. ..Silver..for more details and clarity I have the demo guide
Ban Deatalis:
[amxbans] ===============================================
[amxbans] you have been banned from this server by admin frost.
[amxbans] there are 2 days , 21 hours , 35 minutes and 2 seconds left of your ban.
[amxbans] banned nickname : yacef_noob
[amxbans] reason : ' admin abuse '
[amxbans] you can complain about your ban @ www.cs-gamers.net
[amxbans] your steamid : ' steam_2 : 0 : 89831144 '
[amxbans] your ip : ' '
[amxbans] ===============================================
Kicked : You are BANNED. Check you Demo : https://www.mediafire.com/file/keilevzt0...m.dem/file



First of all, it is not impossible to hit a boomer while being blinded. He saw you right after you blinded him and shot toward your position. You can't just use this mere example as a justification of him using some sort of aim-assist when you aren't 100% sure yourself. He uploaded his own POV with a demo on forums, you can go and watch it. At least for me, nothing was suspicious there.

Second of all, even though you made the observations during last map, you played for good 10-15 minutes before banning him when you didn't even spectate him on the Dust 2 map. You didn't watch his POV and you banned him only because he kept headshotting you repeatedly.

I had a talk with this individual already and he said that he has disabled models for the zombies (which basically makes it extremely easy to headshot them, especially if you use a weapon with low recoil). I asked them to screenshare and I didn't find anything out of the ordinary.
Also, you should have asked them to do a wargods scan, because cheating was definitely not apparent in this scenario.

Anyway, seeing how you didn't ban the player falsely on purpose, I will lift your ban, but your warning will stay.
Don't jump to unneccesary conclusions.

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