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Report Cheng


1. Rule-breaker's username: Cheng
2. Which server (zombie swarm or zombie plague): Zombie Swarm
3. Rule-breaker's : I dont have him leave nextmaps :{
4. Explain the situation: insult me
5. Proof (demo or screenshot): https://imgur.com/a/V4WDEEM
6. Timestamp (at which time in the demo can we see the rule being broken) : 14/8/2023 - 7:14 AM



He did indeed call you a bitch, but I think it's reasonable for you to call him out for that and warn him individually. There is no need to instantly jump to reported somebody when they insult you once. If they repeatedly insult you and do not leave you alone even after you warn them, then that's a different story. I would have gagged the player for 10 minutes if I were present, but I don't see any point in banning him for 1-2 hours for insulting you once.

- Declined.
-- Thread closed.

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