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Report Player


1. Rule-breaker's username: [Dream_###_@@!] and MerCuRiaL
2. Which server (zombie swarm or zombie plague): zombie swarm server
3. Rule-breaker's steamid: unfortunately don't know
4. Explain the situation: I warned them multiple times of doing anti map in cs_italy balcony but they did it 3 times in a row after warning and then I got pissed off
5. Proof (demo or screenshot): https://www.mediafire.com/file/8bra30moo...m.dem/file
6. Timestamp (at which time in the demo can we see the rule being broken): 5:35-5:50 ,11:05- 11:25 (they did multiple times)



Please provide the players' steamid next time. You can find their steamid by typing 'status' in the console.
Both players will be punished accordingly.

- Approved.
-- Thread closed.

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