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Mocking and abusing other religion


1.Admin's name: NiXoN 'Kr

2. Server (zombie swarm or zombie plague): swarm ofc

3. Explain the situation: He just joined and started making hateful comments towards my religion. First time I thought it was just Sarcasm so I just ignored him and thought he won't do it again but he just kept doing it. He kept mocking and spreading hate towards religion even though I didn't speak to him. And as I remember there is one guy named "Nix" as supervisor but I'm not sure if this is him. But if this one is him then I don't think this kind of behaviour is suitable for a supervisor. And even if this guy isn't supervisor he shouldn't spread hate to other religion or community like that, just because he is admin it doesn't mean he can behave as he please.

4. Admin's SteamID: STEAM_2:0:562293901
5. Proof (demo or screenshot):https://www.mediafire.com/file/no64bhwxxwkjvhb/report.dem/file

6. Timestamp (at which time in the demo can we see the admin abusing): 7:40 onwards



NiXoN is not a part of our team, gur's the supervisor that you are talking about and his username on Discord is nix.
Anyway, the player will be punished accordingly.

- Approved.
-- Thread closed.

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