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report farm atomic


1. Rule-breaker's username: AtomiC
2. Which server (zombie swarm or zombie plague): swarm
3. Rule-breaker's steamid: STEAM_2:1:954271779
4. Explain the situation: I entered at 6:30 and found him with another player, afk, and the map was recently changed, so I doubted the matter, but if I respown, I went to kill the zombie, when I started to kill him, I found atomic.

5. Proof (demo or screenshot):  https://easyupload.io/wsz6pb
6. Timestamp (at which time in the demo can we see the rule being broken): You can watch it at the beginning when you entered the first 1-6 minutes



It's not really sufficient amount of evidence seeing how that player was killed only a few times. Besides, if you really wanted me to ban him then I would technically have to ban you as well, as I highly doubt you would have stopped killing the AFK player if they didn't leave. And as for him being with that player on other maps, you should have taken a screenshot or something as a form of evidence.

Either way, insufficient amount of evidence.

- Declined.
-- Thread closed.

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