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Report Assasin


-1 Cheater name: AssassiN
-2 Cheater steamid: STEAM_6:1:456569860
-3 Which server: Umbrella swarm
-4 What the cheater did: he join when he is Human and kill afks and bots to get top2 and when he is a zombie he left and joining again when he is human
-5 Proof (demo or screenshot): i got both demo : https://www56.zippyshare.com/v/P5AFBBxK/file.html
screen shot : https://i.imgur.com/qGme3W5.png
second : https://i.imgur.com/aoGAtXO.png
-6 Timestamp (at which time in the demo can you see rule being broken):
i dont now exactly sry, i cant watch my demo idk the reason maybe because i have crack cs so please search for it is not a big demo just search at the moment when the team is switched 
And Thanks all!



You can't get punished for killing AFK players and as long as there are players on the opposite team who could otherwise kill him, it doesn't count as farming if you're just killing bots in between. The player will be punished for reconnecting, though, as 15 minutes definitely did not pass since he left the server.

- Approved.
-- Thread closed.

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