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farming, camp and rc.


1.Cheater name: Ymenx@ and Otkachen.
2.Cheater steamid: Ymenx@-STEAM_1:1:1863222672 , Otkachen.-STEAM_1:1:1506891405
3.Which server: Swarm.
4.What cheater did:  i entered the server and saw that ymenx and otkachen were playing 2vs2 but as you can see in the demo , only the bots had deaths.
also Otkachen asked me if i want not to kill him but only the bot (and not to forget in the last place, ymenx@ again reconnect to be a again CT.)
5.Proof: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3tzrkpztwjqpx6c/[CSGAMERS]_Umbrella_Swarm.dem/file
6.Timestamp: first 1 min.

I go again in server to get STEAM and make another photo: https://www.mediafire.com/file/02a9giv1z...n.jpg/file



Thank you for your report!
Both players will be punished accordingly.

- Approved.
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