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Thank you for your report!

Please go to spectators if you ask player(s) for a wargods scan, and consider transferring them to the spectators as well (if possible - not sure if Super Admins can do that), just so they don't get distracted by gameplay or other aspects.
According to AMXBANS, a player by the name of 'KN1GHT' has not previously been banned, unless this is a different username he is using. Considering that it cannot be told, whether the player used any kind of cheats or not, they will be banned for a week from the server for failing to provide the scan.

- Approved.
-- Thread closed.

Messages In This Thread
KN1GHT - by dhoma5 - 18-03-2022, 06:57 PM
RE: KN1GHT - by Frost - 18-03-2022, 08:02 PM

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