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Please use the following format next time you report a player(s) disobeying any of the server rules: https://cs-gamers.net/showthread.php?tid=470.
If there is Admin violating a server rule (not powertripping), then report them in this section: https://cs-gamers.net/forumdisplay.php?fid=16.

I personally see teaming as a serious offense if it is intended maliciously (farming, intentionally making it more difficult for zombies to kill the enemy opponent, or doing anything of that sorts to ruin the gameplay of other players). Like Spider mentioned in the demo, they did not attack any of the humans and ALiVe still killed them a bunch of times. Furthermore, you are the only player of all the other players who felt annoyed by their alleged 'teaming' and I think that your overall reaction towards this incident is swayed by your personal dislike towards ALiVe, considering that you were banned by him for evading your ban numerous times. But the evidence claiming that they were teaming is definitely inconclusive. Sure there might have been a couple times where the teaming was more abundant, but I wouldn't consider it anything serious.

Either way, I would ask ALiVe to judge the situation accordingly and treat each player the same way. The zombie mission remains abundant for every player and if Spider is ignoring that mission, alleging that they are not attacking anyone, then they are disobeying the server rules.

- Thread closed.

Messages In This Thread
teaming - by YaceF_NooB - 30-01-2022, 12:56 AM
RE: teaming - by ALiVe - 30-01-2022, 12:46 PM
RE: teaming - by YaceF_NooB - 30-01-2022, 12:48 PM
RE: teaming - by Frost - 30-01-2022, 01:00 PM

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