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Introduce yourself


-You real name : Kareem - my last name . ishac
-Your age (not obligatory) 19
-What you do exactly in life (work, study...) : He worked as an electrician, and at the university
-Where in the world you live : palestine ramallah - Gaza
-How do you spend your free time : play any game like cs 1.6 that server or left with friends
-What's the place that you always finds your self comfortable in : home - next to my family
-DO you like school? (nvm, I already know the answer) : no any one love the school so nope
-What're your favorites songs/games : 1 HOUR INTERWORLD - METAMORPHOSIS + game - league of legends + cs 1.6 + fortnite + crossfire
-What're your favorite meals : In Palestine upside down and cabbage
-What's the most country that you want to visit and why (it better be a reason) : turkey - reason i dont have a lot of money
-Your social information (Facebook/Skype/Twitter/Youtube/Discord/Instagram...) discord - !AlMuGrEm!#5124


-What do you think about our server : i didnt see any server better than this - mean cool server 
-How long you've been playing cs 1.6 : from 2014 
-What's your favorite cs 1.6 mod (zombie plague/cso/umbrella swarm/old school...) : plague swarm + umbrella swarm
-What is most thing you like in server : players + guns + power + levels 
-What is your best weapon - m3 dragon + K1ASUS (MP5) + balrog XI + balrog III
-what new updates you wanna see in the future : I just wish you would download plague zombie and I will play for a very long time

Messages In This Thread
Introduce yourself - by Battle Yasuo lol - 11-04-2023, 02:36 AM

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