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Hello Omega and FuXurY,

I would say some words like these: "Fuck off", "bot", "shut up".... aren't really insulting in my opinion. But there are always people that could find these offensive in any way.
And yea Fuxury, he did warn you, either you didn't saw it or ignored it so it's not really Omega's problem.
Insulting someone in the server especially when everyone can see the chat is bad, is the player your friend, brother or whoever just don't do that even if it's just an "Fuck off". Use amx_psay or go PM and insult eachother who cares LoL.
Another point for admins and especially for you Omega. Don't gag for 2hours damn. I'm not sure but, I think players can't use some commands like timeleft, /rank, ul, /vm, nextmap.... when they're gagged, so that could be verry bad. I would suggest something btw. 10-15min after that if it continues, ban the player. Also one good suggestion: If the player didn't saw your first warn or didn't answered/reacted to it and if he does it again don't gag him instantly, instead tell him that he reached second warn and gag him.

Next time Fuxury please use another website to upload Demo/Ss since zippyshare is banned in some countries.
Use for example: https://www.mediafire.com/

-Thread Closed.

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Messages In This Thread
Omega - by FuXurY - 22-10-2022, 11:51 AM
RE: Omega - by Omega - 22-10-2022, 12:17 PM
RE: Omega - by -ExTazY- - 22-10-2022, 01:59 PM

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