Thanks a lot
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@bouziane Because you joined through other players' accounts both times the server was ddosed. You knew what you were doing. If you want a second chance, then at least make a proper ban appeal. If you won't put any effort into it and at least apologize, then don't expect me to unban you.
@Frost Why?? I was not aware of the rule; the issue was from server being DDOS; why u cant give me a second chance like everybody else and punish me like reducing so I make sure I wont do it again
@Frost if I have to stop involving in others's things than Fux has to stop being toxic against
However @Frost it's possible to do 3-4 seconds bhop (not cheating or scripts) so basically if you don't have time to check you can ask one of supervisors to take care of report
@bouziane don't get it wrong I'm trying to defend my pov is if someone wasn't sure and wants to ban you because of hate or something he would give you 2 hours,
Read the server rules or at least inform yourself the difference between literally just jumping and actually bhopping. Your ignorance is not my or anyone else's problem.