Ban Appeal-Ju26 |
in-game username: Ju26
STEAM_1:0:583672353 PROOF(demo only): Ban details(from consoe):reason ''cheating'' The situacion: quiero apelar mi ban del servidor. Mientras estaba en el servidor, no pude ver los mensajes en el chat debido a que mi pantalla está dañada y no sabia que me pedian hacer un escaneo para verificar cheats. Al salir,despues de un rato revise la consola y vi que habia sido baneado. Quiero aclarar que no tengo intencion de hacer trampa; esto fue un malentendido por mi problema tecnico. Agradezco su tiempo y consideracion al revizar mi apelacion. Saludos, Ju26
I'm personally not convinced that you're clean, because you sometimes lock onto enemy players when shooting them. Your aim is extremely inconsistent and I fail to believe that you're not using anything. That being said, other staff believe that you're clean. Please provide a Wargod's scan next time you're asked to do it. Please remember that ONLY the staff can transfer you to spectators. So if that happens, you have to do a Wargod's scan. Your ban will be revoked. - Approved. -- Thread closed. |
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