My application - poseidon |
1. Requirements for the entry [write + next to the requirement you have completed, and write - next to those, which you haven't yet completed]:
* You must be at least 16 years old. + * You must be an active player on the server (at least an hour a day played on the server).+ * You must be a member of the community for at least 6 months.+ * You must have at least 200 hours of play time on the server.+ * You must not have been banned in the past. + * You must have an official (steam) version of 'Counter Strike 1.6'. - * You must have a proficient level of experience as an Admin. + * You must at least have an intermediate understanding of English. + * You must have reported at least 3 rule-breakers (it doesn't have to be cheaters only). + * You must have posted an introduction thread on forums. - * You must be willing to fulfill your duties as a Helper, obey the rules, enforce them accordingly, and listen to other staff members. + * You must be active on all CSGamer's community platforms - the server, the forums, and discord. + 2. Supplementary information form [fill in the gaps and answer the questions]: * Your in-game nickname: poseidon * Your Discord: 2gatz * Your age: 23 * Your timezone: GMT+1 * Link to your introduction thread: * Links to your reported rule-breakers: I banned them directly, many of them. * Link to your stats (use gametracker): I had an account years ago, cannot recover it anymore. * What is the role of a Helper? The main role of a helper is to maintain order within the community, guide & assist players as well as providing them with safe environment to ensure a clean & fair gameplay without any issues caused by rule breakers and hackers. * Can you manage any other languages besides English? I speak english, french and not so much german (still learning) * Have you contributed to the CSGamer's community in any shape, way, or form? (it doesn't have to be donations only): Yes certainly, i was here when this community was build like 7 years ago now, i did my part back then. * How experienced are you as an Admin? What is your past experience? Describe it. I was an admin for very long time, i wouldn't say perfect knowledge but its enough experience to deal with this.Also, i have made a server in the past ( i am currently making one now too), its always fun! so basically thats my experience with AMXMOD. * Why do you want to become a Helper here in particular? What makes you think you would be accepted over other possible candidates? What makes you stand out? I want to contribute again! I always liked this job and cs community. * What kind of skills/experience, knowledge or understanding should all staff members be necessary to have? Which do you have? I think staff members must have some experience with amxmod, its a vast sea of knowledge, you always learn something new and it never disappoints. * How much time do you spend on the server daily on average? I did play recently, but i stay for a while around 1-2 hours * How long have you been a part of the CSGamer's community so far? I joined here in 2019 i stayed here for couple years then had to leave for certain reasons. 3. Questionnaire [provide responses to the following questions or scenarios]: * What is the 'wargods' application? a program that scans your cs folder looking for cheats? Wargods is a tool which detects cheaters. Players usually use to prove if they weren't cheatings. * A player claims that they do not know what the 'wargods' application is upon a request to do a scan. What do you do? I will guide him throughout the process. * A player encounters issues doing the 'wargods' scan (e.g., an error occurs or it's not scanning, or other reason). How do you proceed? I will just have the patience to re-explain and go throughout the process a second time. * The 'wargods' scan shows faulty scan results. How do you make sure that the player is actually not cheating? A demo is always great, that's how we used to do it mostly. * Complete the following commands (if you were to execute them via the console): Its a classic amx_ban "time" "steamid" "reason" amx_kick "steamid" "reason" amx_vote [context] (option1) (option2) (option3) * A 'flamewars' breaks out between two players. How do you respond?? I will probably gag them both for 5 minutes.I don't accept this kind of behavior whatsoever, it doesn't matter who started first bcuz when they reply to each others they are both to be blamed. * You encounter an abusive admin. What do you do? At first i would warn him then guide him, if he refuse i will get him banned and provide the demo just incase he tried to play innocent. * A player claims they were not aware of the server rule that they broke. What do you do? Usually warn them of their mistake, provide them with informations they need to know then encourage them to read the rules more often. If i catch them doing it once again or seen any complaints about them i will ban them for an hour or so. * A player breaks a server rule, but leaves before you're able to punish them. How do you proceed? I used this one alot. If im not mistaken you would: 1- open console then type amx_last to check on the disconnected players 2- then copy his info and use amx_addban <"authid" or ip> <minutes> [reason] this command specificly made for people who aren't present in the server the moment you try to ban them
Thank you for taking your time and applying for the 'Helper' role! While I like your application and believe that you would, indeed, be a great addition to the team, as you were, a lot of things have changed ever since you were a part of the staff team back in the day. This means that there are many, many new players that wouldn't recognized you even if you went by your original nickname of 'poseidon'. Additionally, the entire staff team has been completely revamped and you won't find anyone anymore in the team who will recognize you. That being said, I also have several points to mention: - You started playing again 2 weeks ago irregularly (30-60 minutes once every few days). I wouldn't really trust that you'd dedicate more time than that after becoming staff again. We also can't really dictate how you are as a person, because none of us know you or have worked with you in the past. - We just accepted 2 new recruits in our team, and I believe that we're quite full in hands at the moment. - I also haven't seen any form of presence from you on Discord or anything, even after 2 weeks of you joining. We would be more than happy to give you an opportunity to integrate yourself back into the team, but you definitely need to wait a while until we look for more recruits, and increase your overall activity and presence in the community in the meantime. - Declined. -- Thread closed. |
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