Real Life:
-You real name rayene
-Your age (not obligatory) 20
-What you do exactly in life (work, study...) computer science
-Where in the world you live algeria
-How do you spend your free time mostly gaming
-What's the place that you always finds your self comfortable in home gaming or outside working out
-Do you like school? (Nvm, I already know the answer) ya already no

-What're your favorites songs/games cs/blasphemous/ultrakill
-What're your favorite meals pizza/kouskous
-What's the most country that you want to visit and why (it better be a reason) Japan

(definitely cherry blossoms )
-Your social information (Facebook/Skype/Twitter/Youtube/Discord/Instagram...) discord: ._.akumu.
-What do you think about our server good but can be a lot better with new guns/events/buffs and nerfs to move the meta around not just stick with the same guns
-How long you've been playing cs 1.6 2011
-What's your favorite cs 1.6 mod (zombie plague/cso/umbrella swarm/old school...) zp/swarm/cso/deathrun/kz
-What is most thing you like in server mostly everything
-What is your best weapon burning aug/star shooter
-What new updates you wanna see in the future buffs and nerfs to move the meta around and i would like a decent scout upgrade