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It would be awesome if we can find Clan system in zombie server.
Clan system would have different XP than regular player XP.
Clan system privileges:
1. When u kill zombie/human who have clan, it will grant u XP bonus to clan system and they take XP from enemy clan.
2. When u collect required amount clan system xp bonus, u can exchange them for XP or unlock new weapons(?).
3. With clan system unlock function to buy VIP, with required XP from clan system, u can buy VIP.

What u think about this system? Write in commets your opinion.
kainos milijoninės turėtu būt,
killeris niekad to nedarys nes jam minusas
įsivaizduoji kiek farminimo bus?
nzn, gal ir neblogas pasiūlymas, bet tikrai reiktų keleta dalyku pakeist.
Na čia kaip pradinis pasiūlymas būtų, visados galima koreguoti, pasidalinau bendra įdėja, kurią galima tobulinti.
This 'clan' system seems quite pointless, especially when your intention is to segregate them from different clans. I would agree that implementing this would be beneficial for organizing all kinds of events, and providing people with the possibility to interact with other people they meet on the server in-game.
One thing I can say for certain, though, that it is highly unlikely that Killer would implement this kind of system any time soon if at all.
Sounds interesting, I haven't heard of anything like that so it would be interesting to see
This clan system would make the game more interesting and help you be friends with ur clanmate and will probably also attract og players back to the server.