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Full Version: Admin DuBx
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1. Admin name: DuBx
2. Which server: swarm
3. What the admin did? Cheating while being s.admin, you can clearly see that his mouse is not moving by his hands, auto aim (probably auto shoot or trigger bot) 
4. proof: https://streamable.com/owqxob
That's a pretty rare thing to see, to be honest, he might not be using any cheats, might just be the visual delay from the servers ping and demo, because that mostly looks like something that is pretty delayed, no clue tho, might be actual cheats, just wait till someone with more knowledge checks it out.
Hi Tralivali,

Thanks for your report.
I've checked the videos, and yea what to say.
This looks like he is using cheats but no, this weird shooting is just a server animation delay or some ping problem and there're no sings of any sort of a cheat.

-Thread Closed.