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Full Version: Admin ASsassiNzGT
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1.Admin name: ASsassiNzGT
2.Which server: Swarm
3.What the admin did: i do not understand such an ct i killed a ct base man and me Adminsitrator- AssassiNzGT ) killed my by the amx_Slay. here is an abuse of the admin commands.
4.Proof (demo or screenschot): https://www117.zippyshare.com/v/vJy1KCFw/file.html
5.At what time in the demo can we see the abuse: Within minutes, it happened.

Thank you for your report!
Sorry for the inconvenience!

The Admin will be warned for their actions. I would like to also mention that camping is against the server rules, so please don't camp and do your mission as a zombie, otherwise you can get banned.

- Approved.
-- Thread closed.