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Full Version: report S.ADMIN
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1. S. Admin name: Dell
2. Which Server: swarm
3. What the S. Admin did: he join spec when he switch to zm and then transfer himself to our team saying our team is pro..

4. S. Admin's SteamID: -  STEAM_1:0:1291380380
5. Proof (demo or screenshot): https://www.mediafire.com/file/i6fb2p8ju...l.dem/file
6. At what time in the demo can we see the abuse: last 5 minutes
Thank you for the report!

The timestamp you provided doesn't show Dell transfering himself to the opposite team. And even if he did, it seems that he was on the opposite team of yours again, and that he was on yours for a very brief moment. If he had stayed in that particular team for the rest of the time afterwards, that would be a different story. Insufficient evidence.
However, we will most likely take further action because of his recent abusive behavior.

- Report dismissed.
-- Thread closed.