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Full Version: About free-ban rage
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Yeah hello
Soo my friend Nojysas killed HNF and got really mad at him soo he did this...

really small proof:
it should be enough

You have been banned from this Server by Admin HNF.There are 54 minutes and 15 seconds left of your ban.
[AMXBans] Banned Nickname : Nojysas
[AMXBans] Reason : ' Camp/Not attacking '
[AMXBans] You can complain about your ban @ www.csgamers.tk
[AMXBans] Your SteamID : ' STEAM_1 : 0 : 1536736182 '
[AMXBans] Your IP : ' '
[AMXBans] ===============================================
Kicked by Console: You are BANNED. Check your console.
Kicked : You are BANNED. Check your

You can watch demo there was a proof...
I told you already 100times, no demo = Reject

If you don't know where to find demo and use it follow thos steps:
1.Open your game folder
2.Open folder cstrike
3.Find file named [CSGAMERS]_Umbrella_Swarm.dem
4.Upload it to  mediafire.com.

Then create a thread and past the link so I can download it and check everything happend!

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