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Full Version: Ranking
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1. Rule-breaker's username: Hatem132

2. Which server (zombie swarm or riot): Swarm.

3. Rule-breaker's steamid: Wait me pls to take it.

4. Explain the situation: He told me clearly that he leave before playing zm rounds

5. Proof (demo or screenshot): https://www.upload.ee/files/16240588/_CS...m.dem.html

6. Timestamp (at which time in the demo can we see the rule being broken):Start demo 9 minute~ 47 second

Screenshot of /top15 https://prnt.sc/ZyStQlY3uXMk
# 5 "hatem132" 20541 STEAM_1:0:529060691 30 18:12 129

Just because someone leaves the server, doesn't mean they were ranking. Hatem played one round as a zombie.
However, he will be banned for farming XP from the previous report.

- Declined.
-- Thread closed.