CS-Gamers Community

Full Version: gag
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1. Rule-breaker's username:RyLES

2. Which server (zombie swarm or riot): Swarm

3. Rule-breaker's steamid:# 2  "ryLes" 1353 STEAM_0:0:522695620  69 23:07  63    0

4. Explain the situation: He Give me gag because i told him that he camped 2 time

5. Proof (demo or screenshot):https://www.mediafire.com/file/9vjocr6cpuzciqf/ryles2.dem/file

6. Timestamp (at which time in the demo can we see the rule being broken): Start demo at 66 minute-12 second

Thank you for the report!
The admin will be punished accordingly.

- Approved.
-- Thread closed.