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Full Version: report s.admin
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1. Admin's name: Foff
2. Server (zombie swarm or zombie plague): swarm
3. Explain the situation: Throughout the round he kept playing camper and demo clear in front of you
4. Admin's SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:573195879
5. Proof (demo or screenshot):   https://easyupload.io/8khob7
6. Timestamp (at which time in the demo can we see the admin abusing):  last 5-7 min
Hello. Im Foff. Yes, i was standing in corner where i was hidden for a while. I was telling these guys I will do just one thing and play again. They ignored that. Immidiately after i finished doing that i was playing again. Maybe if we could communicate next time it would be much better. Sincerely, Foff.

This is the wrong demo I believe, didn't saw Foff at any moment. Not during the timestamp you provided.
Either way, ^^ if that really was the case, remember that you have to stay at spawn whenever being AFK. Alternatively, you may leave the server and return later.

- Declined.
-- Thread closed.