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Full Version: LeGeNd_Knife abuse hes s.admin to hide hes cheating
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1. Admin name: LeGeNd_Knife
2. Which Server: 
3. What the Admin did: 

  He predict my coming
 03:24:00 to 09:00:00
  I asked Wargod, but he did not answer me until after the second round, but he answered under the pretext of   what is the benefit of cheating, and you do not have the right to ask me about him and start gossiping a lot, and   this is the biggest evidence that he is a liar and a cheat, and then he quit the game
4. Admin's SteamID: STEAM_1:1:1606104007
5. Proof (demo or screenshot): https://www.mediafire.com/file/1n3x1eyn1ep0jix/[CSGAMERS]_Umbrella_Swarm.dem/file
6. At what time in the demo can we see the abuse: all in (3. What the Admin did:) 

NOTE: Please focus on his words in the demo

1:49:00 - You do realise that there's something called 'game sound' and 'game sense', right? If a human walks there, that is definitely the first angle you look at, and I'm confident that he heard you walking before he poped out of the tunnel. It is also the fact that the spot you were in is quite common. So the fact that you decided to ask him to do a WG scan out of that little insignificant incident that wasn't even suspicious is beyond me.
Should have he given you the scan? Yes, but I don't think I am willing to punish him seeing the reason you asked him to do the scan to begin with, but I will let him know that he should not reject player's requests when it comes to that.

- Declined.
-- Thread closed.