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Privileges Features

Server- Umbrella Swarm.   

Vip Features             

-VIP has unique skin-
-VIP has unique prefix: V.I.P-
-VIP has new unlocks-
-VIP has multi jump-
-VIP get 2x XP on a kill-
-VIP can use Admin Chat-
-VIP can use -
-VIP can use color chat-
-VIP has green color chat-

            aDmin Features

-All privileges that are given to Vip and his own
-Unique Prefix:aDmin
-aDmin has more powerful unlocks in /ul-
-aDmin has access to slap/slay player (amx_slapmenu)
-aDmin has access to ban/kick player (amx_banmenu)
-aDmin has access to Vote/Vote_map (amx_vote)
-aDmin has access to
You Can Use/find all of these feature in amxmodmenu Wink

            S.aDmin Features

-All Privileges that are given to VIP/aDmin in addition of his Own
-Unique Prefix: S.aDmin
-S.aDmin has more powerful unlocks in /ul-
-S.aDmin has access to unban player (amx_unban)
-S.aDmin has immunity from (slap/slay/kick/ban/gag)
-S.aDmin has all commands of Admin (including all features)
-S.aDmin has access to change map (amx_mapmenu)

You can find all these command in amxmodmenu thanks for reading Wink

Server-Zombie Plague

*Vip Features*

-vip has unique prefix:VIP
-vip had unique skin-
-vip get 2x ap on a kill-
-vip has 4x jump-
-vip get 100 anti-infection armor when round start-
-vip can use color chat-
-vip has Extra Items In Vip menu-
-vip has green color chat-
-vip can use -
-vip can use aDmin-

*aDmin Features*

-aDmin has all features given to vip-
-aDmin has unique prefix:aDmin
-aDmin has access to ban/kick player (amx_ban)
-aDmin has access to slay/slap player (amx_slaymenu)
-aDmin has access to gag/mute player (amx_gagmenu)
-aDmin has access vote (amx_vote)
-aDmin has access to Zp_adminmenu and has ability to turn human/zombie 2 times and respawn anyone-

*S.aDmin Features*

-S.aDmin has all features that are given to aDmins/Vips-
-S.aDmin has unique prefix:S.ADMIN
-S.aDmin has access to change map (amx_mapmenu)
-S.aDmin has access to transfer a player to other team (amx_teammenu)
-S.aDmin has access to start swarm mod/multiple infection/
Start plague mod/ammegadon mode 3 time in zp_adminmenu

You can find all of these features in amxmodmenu/zp_menu thanks

CsGo Mod Ranks
Features Soon.